Our godson's graduation from a northern New York college, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or RPI, prompted a quick side trip to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont before arriving for the festivities. I'd never been to Maine, so why not? And hey, one of the greatest shopping meccas of all time is located in Freeport, Maine, L.L. Bean!


We flew into Boston and met up with Steve's fraternity brother and his wife, got a tour of the old North Church where Paul Revere's "one if by land, two if by sea" ride supposedly began, visited a dear relative, and ate some awesome seafood. Lobster (aka "lobsta") and shrimp really are better on the east coast.

Up the Coast to Kennebunkport, Maine

Wave hello to the Bushs!

I'm a sucker for old cars.

And Steve is always a good sport about stopping the car to let me shoot. Here are a few of my favorites as we (aka "he") drove from Maine, across New Hampshire and Vermont, and onto New York.

Off to Graduation!